Newbie about cretion of custom (personal) track without loop

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Re: Newbie about cretion of custom (personal) track without

Post by hms »

Harry wrote: Just my 5 cents, I more an expert on programming than on driving ;-)
- Harry
Don't do yourself down Harry, we've all seen video of you driving your office desk around the 'ring!
Bloody good programmer too!

Regarding the split positions, it's the little things that matter, enough of the little things add up to a lot of time! I can either use each split, or add several splits together to get a better overview of part of a lap. My character is analytical so I tend to look for the smalllest point of difference.
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Re: Newbie about cretion of custom (personal) track without

Post by Cloud9...68 »

I appreciate the detailed step-by-step guide on how to create a test track, but this thread is nearly three years old, and the software has undergone several revisions since rscliofan's post, so the screens are now different. For example, his very first step says to select small cross hairs bottom right, and tap it to stop centre map location allowing you to move the map round without it springing back to your current. But my version, which I believe is the latest, doesn't show a cross hair on the bottom right, and it isn't clear (at least to me) what command in the latest version replaces this one. Is there a simple step-by-step guide how to set up a simple test track for the latest version of the software? I've read through the documentation, and haven't been able to find it.

I want to set up a simple test track around my neighborhood to allow me to troubleshoot my issues with HLT without having to burn track time. For example, the last time I did a session, Laptimer simply didn't record. I pulled into the pits multiple times, entered everything from scratch each time, using the same procedure each time, and it finally worked on about the fifth try, but I wasted a lot of time to get it to work. I've successfully used Laptimer multiple times at this same track, and have never had this problem before. Thanks.
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Re: Newbie about cretion of custom (personal) track without

Post by Harry »

The cross hair has been replaced by the small compass arrow in the bottom left. You no longer need to touch it, once you drag the map around, the "follow position" function will be turned off automatically.

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