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OBD sensor data are wrong

Posted: Tue May 19, 2015 7:32 am
by argonid

I am using Harry's Laptimer Grand Prix with an V Gate iCar 2. Speed, RPM, Temperatures and many data are shown correct, but the automatic search has put as data a 6 shift car in my car data. I have a 7 shift car. Moreover the throttle position is alwys green. it does not change.

Can anyone help me what to do?

I have an Audi A5, 3.0 TDI, 2013 in Germany.


Re: OBD sensor data are wrong

Posted: Tue May 19, 2015 9:47 am
by Harry

Older versions of LapTimer came with a basic 6 speed set to allow 90 percent of users to start without configuration. I assume this is the source for your config.

Actually you need to adjust the gear and drive ratios specific for your car. This is required as gears need to be calculated from rpm, speed, wheel size and are not delivered by OBD. To do this, enter Vehicles, select your car and add an addition gear (Edit -> Add Gear). Check the Internet or the manual to understand which ratios your gear box and drive uses. Adjust the ratios accordingly. Take care the wheel size is correct too.

For throttle, try one of the alternative Throttle PIDs selectable in Settings - Expert Settings - OBD Tweaks. Not all cars deliver all PIDs. Position D is a good bet usually.


Re: OBD sensor data are wrong

Posted: Tue May 19, 2015 10:12 am
by argonid
Thank you Harry,

I will check it later on and let you know.

BR, argonid

Re: OBD sensor data are wrong

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 7:13 am
by argonid
Good morning Harry,

you were right. Now the throttle works too.

One thing that is still confusing: the torque is sometimes shown more than the car has.

It has 500NM, in some situations of throttle and RPM it shows up to 550NM.


Re: OBD sensor data are wrong

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 7:25 am
by Harry
Besides the fact engine power and torque vary by car, the value is calculated using a comparably simple method taking MAF, engine type, intake type and rpm into account. There are more sophisticated methods available, but the truth is available from performance test stands only.

- Harry