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Re: Unresolvable problem in database: crashes after v15 inst

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 11:34 am
by Harry

I have just posted the full story on data recovery here: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=529

With the newly introduced data consistency check, some users run into the named message. Although I tried hard to auto recover whenever possible, there remain situations like this making it necessary to recover manually.

In case you are able to reproduce any kind of inconsistency, I appreciate if you contact me to learn and further stabilize the situation. Beta test for v15 has shown both historic recordings, and migrated data worked just fine for almost all testers.

In case you cannot solve your situation using the guide linked above, please contact me at

- Harry

Re: Unresolvable problem in database: crashes after v15 inst

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 11:58 am
by Scott231
Thanks Harry, I'll give that a try an get in touch as need be.

(to Mike, phone is not jailbroken)

[SOLVED] Tested V15 all weekend and some issues

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 8:19 pm
by lmcgrew79
Harry, a few times this weekend the v15 seemed to have issues. Some sessions would not recorded data. I either go to assistant then racer or timer, then select video, at that point it says will start recording once the start finish line is passed. So everything seem to be working fine sometimes it would record the session with data, others i found later just seemed to record the whole video, which i found by looking thru the select video area. I didnt think it recorded anything but apparently it did, just no data.

Re: Tested V15 all weekend and some issues

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 8:27 pm
by Harry
What do you see in your Lap List? Did you have a track set loaded? Finally did you have good GPS reception?

- Harry

Re: Tested V15 all weekend and some issues

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 8:34 pm
by lmcgrew79
Harry wrote:What do you see in your Lap List? Did you have a track set loaded? Finally did you have good GPS reception?

- Harry
Lap list on some sessions showed nothing. One session had 2 laps with video, then nothing, but when i got to looking the whole session did record the video, just 2 laps of video. GPS was at full reception.

Another note, it seemed when i shut the phone and all programs down and restarted it did work, in the last session? Maybe a memory problem but i had 10 g avalible. Also using the assistant will it record video even if i dont select video on the racer screen?

Re: Tested V15 all weekend and some issues

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 8:45 pm
by Harry

LapTimer has two modes of recording:

GPS+acceleration recording (all views except Video View)
GPS+acceleration+video recording (Video View only)

From your description I'm not sure how the app has been operated. Did you use a track set to record automatically? Did you use the manual start / stop in the Video View? Did you close the Video View while recording?

- Harry

Re: Tested V15 all weekend and some issues

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 9:02 pm
by lmcgrew79
I did use a track set, did not use manual start, did not close video while recording.

Before going on track, i choose racer's, video, and then conformation, and it says video will start recording when start finish is passed.

Ive used this now for a few years, always worked perfect.

On one 20min session out the first 2 laps recorded, video and data. Then there is nothing else. If i go into the select video area of the lap list the whole video is in there, but only 2 of the first laps has data.

Re: Tested V15 all weekend and some issues

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 9:10 pm
by Harry
It is correct that all laps in one session point to the same (large) video. LapTimer records the 'sync point' to later select the area relevant for each lap. Some more questions: "Then there is nothing else" means what? There is a 3rd, 4th etc. lap but is has no GPS data? Or is there no 3rd etc? Finally, how did you finish the video recording? If you used a classic track with a stop/go trigger, it started video and lap recording when you passed the trigger first, stopped lap#1 and started lap #2 next etc. When you left the track back to the pits, a lap recording has still been going on (say, #5), did you simply close the video view (black button), or did you use the cancel button in the top left?

- Harry

Re: Tested V15 all weekend and some issues

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 9:33 pm
by lmcgrew79
Correct we was running about 8 laps, it recorded data for laps 1 and 2, then no more. When i found the raw videos today, video was there for the whole session.

When i come off track i press the black x in the top right corner.

Re: Tested V15 all weekend and some issues

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 4:22 am
by jcastle
I too had several issues like lmcgrew79. We were driving the same track, same day.

Track was MidOhio Preset. iPhone 4S 64gb. Internal GPS with good signal. Mounted under rearview mirror.

My first 3 sessions (20 minutes, 8 laps) recorded all lap data, but no video. The icons next the the laps changed on the third session. 1st 2 sessions showed only the track icon. Third session showed track, video, and car icons. Some laps showed gauges instead of video icon. For all 3 sessions I used the timer screen and auto start/stop function. No video was recorded for any of these laps/sessions.

My fourth session I went to the timer screen, then video screen and manually started the video. When I ended the session, I found the application had quit. Looks like it recorded video for the first 2:15 prior to application quitting. No lap data was available to sync with video.

hope this helps.

