Policy Change for Track Set Submission

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Policy Change for Track Set Submission

Post by Harry »

This is to inform you about a change in policies applied for Track Set / POI Set submissions (aka "Certification"):

LapTimer v16.5 introduced a quality rating for track sets available in "Tracks". This quality rating reflects the formal quality a track set defined shows. Elements rated are:
  1. Existence of triggers (there needs to be at least one trigger that starts and one the stops - or a stop / go trigger combining this actions).
  2. A driving direction given for the triggers (LapTimer will use this information not only for display, but for trigger detection starting in version 17).
  3. A label position information allowing LapTimer to place POI labels in a position they do not intersect with the track.
  4. Additional POIs (inactive) for bends and other items of interest (they are used e.g. for Video overlay inserts).
  5. Explicit descriptions for each trigger (e.g. "Split 3").
  6. Up to 8 split triggers (1-4 preferred, a typical GP track should have 2 or 3).
Any set submitted already (but not yet online) and any future submissions need to feature at least 4 stars with items 1, 2, 6 being mandatory.

The reason I tighten the policies is mainly user experience. Any track set available in LapTimer is downloaded multiple times, and by many many users. A user downloading a track set will expect it to work - as it is certified. The above formal checking is not good enough to make sure the track set works, but it is a good indicator things are fine.

As I appreciate any submission a lot, and I'm aware it is not an easy task, I will certainly help were ever I can. So in case you have a problem getting the stars shine, drop me a note and we will check what is going on.

Even with your kind help, adding a track set is a lot of work. I need to paint a track shape and add multiple items to the track description to make it work. So besides the above quality rating, add a good textual description of the track to the mail generated during certification, and add the configuration's length when ever possible. These items are hard to find out from remote - especially as track submissions have shifted to smaller ones some time ago (the tracks database is pretty complete today).

Thanks for your understanding and support. LapTimer's tracks database is a jewel/gem already, let's make it even better.

- Harry
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