3 GPS Lap to equal one "Time" Lap

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3 GPS Lap to equal one "Time" Lap

Post by Nils_99 »

i'm willing to modify the Nürburgring GP track for ourselves.
In the GLP Competition, n-rounds (i think its 3) count as one round for the measuring system.

I thought about editing the track with a finish line (width=small) set to the far left, so we dont trigger it on the first 2 laps, since we drive on the right then.
I guess i will have to copy every other gps coord. 2 times, so laptimer doesnt get confused.

Would that work or is there a better option?
How big is the finish line with width set to "small"?

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Re: 3 GPS Lap to equal one "Time" Lap

Post by Harry »

You can find the corridor widths in LapTimer’s expert settings. The current accuracy readout is added to both sides on top. So in case the corridor is 10m, and accuracy is 5m, LapTimer will consider a width of 20m the s/f line - 10 to the left and ten to the right of the GPS position. Furthermore, you need to change the Wide Corridor: in case the track set features “directed triggers” (those with a driving direction), the wide corridor is taken.

On the approach in general: this will not be a stable setup. Trigger detection with (comparably) low accuracy devices is a challenge already. It is hard to divide a track into two triggering regions reliably.

Due to the above math, you will need to place triggers outside of the actual track.

- Harry
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Re: 3 GPS Lap to equal one "Time" Lap

Post by Nils_99 »

Thankyou for the fast response.

If i get that right, the start/finish line is not the biggest problem if i set it to minimum and place it out of track, but the triggers on track wont work aswell?

I guess, there are no other options than that?

Thanks in advance
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