Harry's GPS Buddy v16 just arrived on AppStore. Besides it's trip computer features, GPS Buddy is a pretty sophisticated GPS and OBD monitor. It is based on the same GPS engine all my apps use - in it's latest version.
Instead of selling it for 99 cents, I decided to make this version available for free. It serves as a kind of technology demo for my series of GPS / OBD apps. Please note is supports the full list of external sensors now:
GPS Sensors
- TomTom car kit
- Dual XGPS150
- Emprum Ultimate
- G-Fi
- and any NMEA wifi sensor
- Kiwi Wifi OBD
- OBDKey
- OBDLink
- goPoint BT1
- goPoint GL1
- and any ELM327 based OBD Wifi dongle
Here is the link to AppStore: http://itunes.apple.com/app/harrys-gps- ... d320423931
And please spread the news / link / share / like.
- Harry