Harry's Camper v19 available on AppStore

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Harry's Camper v19 available on AppStore

Post by Harry »

Dear Readers,

We have just released the initial version of Harry's Camper on AppStore. We are excited to start this second product line on top of Harry's LapTimer. Camper has become a quite powerful tool with tons of useful functions for campers, off roaders and everyone interested in moving heavy vehicles! :-)

For the first week, the app is available for US$ 2.99 only. Afterwards, it comes with a US$ 8.99 price tag.

For LapTimer Petrolhead users, we will make an App Bundle available giving existing clients the opportunity to always get Camper for US$ 2.99.

We have several documents available:
Please feel free to share all of this information.

We are looking forward on your feedback!

- Harry
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