[HOWTO] Restoring Automatic Backups

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[HOWTO] Restoring Automatic Backups

Post by Harry »

LapTimer stores automatic backups in case is discovers issues or before resetting the database.
These automatic backups are stored locally and visible as "System Backup" in Administration ‣ Databases.
NB: Uninstalling LapTimer will purge all local data too. Please create external backups after each track day manually:
  • Administration ‣ Database ‣ Backup
In case you want to return to one of these backups when running into a database corruption, or when you find a Lap List with demo laps only, please follow the steps below to recover your data.
  1. Make sure you have a reasonable amount of free memory available, 0.5 GB or more recommended.
  2. Navigate to Administration ‣ Databases
  3. Scroll down to the latest backup showing a reasonable number of laps
  4. For iOS, swipe that row to the left and select Recover
  5. For Android, long press that row and select Recover
  6. In case this step is successful, your current database will be replaced by the backup.
  7. To verify everything is fine select Check Data until it reports no problems.
  8. In case recovery fails at some point, repeat the procedure with the second latest backup (see step 3) etc.
- Harry
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